We begin by conducting an evaluation of your current investment portfolio relative to your investment objectives, your time horizon, your risk profile, tax considerations, need for investment income, as well as other factors including the need for liquidity and estate planning issues.
After completing a thorough review and analysis of your existing portfolio, we will develop a personalized investment policy statement that will include a strategic asset allocation model, recommendations for a revised asset mix, and implementation of specific investment strategies.
The Investment Policy Statement is the most critical component of any successful investment program. This statement will clearly identify your investment objectives, the time frame available to achieve the objectives, your overall risk tolerance, and future expectations with respect to rates of return. It will also identify liquidity requirements, income tax considerations, as well as other factors including risk management and estate considerations. The Investment Policy Statement will establish the framework for your personal investment plan, including the design of a strategic asset allocation model, establishment of benchmarks, and the process for periodic rebalancing.
After completing the detailed review and analysis and developing the Investment Policy Statement and strategic asset allocation model, we will then recommend specific investments and implement the various investment strategies. We provide ongoing investment management services, including detailed reporting, portfolio rebalancing, and periodic review meetings.
Investment recommendations are based on a detailed analysis using sophisticated investment management tools with the assistance of recognized third party investment rating firms. We design a diversified and sophisticated investment management strategy that will, over the longer term, use the inherent properties of the various asset classes to maximize returns and minimize risk.
Your investments are then monitored continuously, adjusted and rebalanced when necessary.
Periodic adjustments to the asset allocation combined with a structured rebalancing program helps to deliver consistent returns even during challenging economic times. Our ongoing monitoring is your assurance that you benefit from the highest quality portfolio management.
As part of our service model, we meet with clients at least once a year to ensure that investment results are in line with the client’s objectives, to explain any changes in the investment strategy or asset allocation, and to confirm that the client’s investment portfolio is still appropriate. We discuss any changes with respect to the client’s personal circumstances and risk tolerance, and we review their cash flow requirements and any other investment related issues.
We provide our clients with on-going communication to keep them aware of market conditions, changes to the asset allocation, rebalancing activity, and performance reporting. More frequent reviews are also available by request.